NAS Lemoore Hanger 61 Theater

Welcome to Hanger 61 Movie Theater!

Click the showtimes toggle above   for current movie listings.

Offering you an enhanced cinema experience! Grab your favorite concessions at the Snack Bar boasting a fresh modern look and menu items at prices that will make you scream (no horror movie needed). Finding your seat is easy peasy with the state-of-the-art aisle and seat lighting. Beware! Once you sit in the bigger and better theater seating you might not want to get up. Our friendly team looks forward to serving you. Please note, this is a cashless facility, credit cards only.  See you at the movies!

To schedule the Theater for command events, please call 559-998-4880.

For upcoming showtimes see below, or visit us on social media @NavylifeNASL


[{Key: id, Value: 0e4560fe-838a-4c18-bc52-abbae1c1e4ed}, {Key: title, Value: Love Hurts}, {Key: type, Value: }, {Key: showTime, Value: 7:00 PM}, {Key: rating, Value: r}, {Key: runningTime, Value: 83}, {Key: description, Value: }]
Friday - March 28, 2025
Time Movie Rating Runtime
7:00 PM Love Hurts r 83 min
[{Key: id, Value: fc7ab673-f7f5-45e7-92a9-b8e909b1255e}, {Key: title, Value: Captain America: Brave New World}, {Key: type, Value: }, {Key: showTime, Value: 3:00 PM}, {Key: rating, Value: pg13}, {Key: runningTime, Value: 118}, {Key: description, Value: }]
[{Key: id, Value: d87cfd37-3d12-4535-87a9-5ea4baf57e76}, {Key: title, Value: Last Breath}, {Key: type, Value: }, {Key: showTime, Value: 6:00 PM}, {Key: rating, Value: pg13}, {Key: runningTime, Value: 93}, {Key: description, Value: }]
Saturday - March 29, 2025
Time Movie Rating Runtime
3:00 PM Captain America: Brave New World pg13 118 min
6:00 PM Last Breath pg13 93 min
[{Key: id, Value: dbdbfe27-f72e-4bdd-8457-821af77c5865}, {Key: title, Value: The Unbreakable Boy}, {Key: type, Value: }, {Key: showTime, Value: 1:00 PM}, {Key: rating, Value: pg}, {Key: runningTime, Value: 109}, {Key: description, Value: }]
Sunday - March 30, 2025
Time Movie Rating Runtime
1:00 PM The Unbreakable Boy pg 109 min